Bus Safety: "Ride with Pride" Student Behavior Contract
Directions for Parents and Students
In an effort to promote a positive climate on our school buses we, at the K-5 Morris School District Schools, are embarking in a new program called Ride with Pride. Students will be working together to provide a safe and respectful ride to and from school. Individual buses in which students are demonstrating good behavior will be recognized. A bulletin board containing each bus number has been posted. The goal is for students to have their bus follow the road to success to the finish line. Bus drivers will be handing in coupons when students have adhered to the rules below. For each coupon received the bus will move forward on the board. Our goal is to provide students with the incentives to make good choices on the bus. Please read and review the pledge with your child, then sign and return this agreement within three days.
General Information
Bus drivers, students, parents, teachers, and school administrators share the responsibility for bus safety, following all bus rules, and behaving is a responsible manner.
Riding the school bus is a privilege. If you behave appropriately, you will be allowed to ride the bus.
Students who do not adhere to the rules will receive a bus conduct report and appropriate consequences will be administered.